On Falling, dir.Laura Carreira, Feature Film (Dialogue Editor)
Wrongly Accused: The Annette Hewins Story, dir.Amy Derrick, BBC Sounds Podcast (Sound Designer)
Anansi Boys, 6 episodes, Amazon TV Mini Series (dialogue editor)
The Way, episode 2, dir.Adam Curtis & Michael Sheen, TV Series (dialogue editor)
Restless, dir.Jed Hart, Feature Film (dialogue editor)
Pacemaker, dir.Brian Vincent Rhodes & Christopher Lennertz, short musical animation (re-recording mixer)
Ted & Noel, dir.Julia Alcamo, short documentary (sound designer)
Frontier Town, dir.Tom & Theo Tennant, short documentary (dialogue editor)
The Inside Man 5, dir.Jim Shields, 12 episodes, Mini TV Series (dialogue editor)
Liaison, dir.Stephen Hopkins, 6 Episodes, TV Series (dialogue editor)
Pray, dir.Caleb Azumah Nelson, short fiction (dialogue editor)
Fractales, dir.Clara Stephanie Schieber Lorenesi, short fiction (dialogue editor)
I'm People, I Am Nobody, dir.Svetislav Dragomirovic, feature documentary (dialogue editor)
So What Did We Learn Today, Georgina?, dir.Franco Volpi, short fiction (dialogue editor)
Eyes Wide Open, dir.Power of One, short institutional documentary (dialogue editor)
Post-production sound editor at Shepperton Studios for Pinewood Group (January-December)
Dinner for One, dir.Ivan Gostev, short fiction (sound designer)
Amashinga, dir.Bex Singleton, feature documentary (sound designer-production)
A Woman at Night, dir.Rafael Kapelinski, feature film (dialogue editor)
Post-production sound editor at Shepperton Studios for Pinewood Group (January-December)
Amashinga, dir.Bex Singleton, feature documentary (sound designer-development)
We are all going to Die, dir.Sashko Potter Micevski, short documentary (sound effects edit
Tinders Top 10 Trends of 2020, commercial for Tinder, dir.Stefanos Pletsis, short animation (sound designer)
Templetis Drakos, dir.Fokion Xenos, animation music video (sound designer)
Localisation sound editor at Shepperton Studios for Pinewood Group (September-December)